with my dear old blog this week.
(sorry dear blog).
It has been somewhat hectic as we
(we meaning "at work") are preparing
for school to begin next week.
Not only is school going to begin
next week, but we (again we meaning work)
are preparing for some upcoming events.
I don't blog much about work because,
well, I have to think about work enough
without blogging about it for goodness sake!
However, I do blog about my friends/prends
alot of whom I work with.
Today though I will share some other
work stuff: (and I will do so in a bulleted
list-because I'm all about a good bulleted list sister!)
- We begin school on Monday.
- I teach my one hour college success class beginning next Thursday.
- Money Management Fairs
- Open house at Ash Flat's new building.
- Emerson Drive concert - YAY, fun one! :D
- Golf Tourney.
- AATYC conference.
It's just plain busy!
This list does not include my life outside of work:
- Alex back to school Monday.
- Arkansas State Horseshow.
- District Fair.
- Show of Champions.
- Cody & Amy's tentative move.
Clean house.Scrapbook
gets me through early October.
This summer has simply flown by...
seriously it has taken flight!
I love summer and I get a little
melancholy this time of year.
I do love Fall too, but I get a little
sad knowing winter is not far behind.
I leave you dear blog with a couple of recent photos...
Brody, aka Dumbdog with his broken leg.
This is the most accident prone animal, I tell you!
This is the most accident prone animal, I tell you!
Randy's latest creation:
his grill / smoker he made.
It is actually not finished in this picture,
but it is complete IRL
and I have eaten an awesome cheeseburger grilled on it! Yum
Did your mom have a western wear or boot shop or something like that on Oak street way back when? The one I'm thinking of was called The Hitchn' Post or something like that?? I don't know why I would think that she did, but somewhere in my mind I always thought that...If she did, you would have to have told me that in the 5th grade...so random, I know. Am I right? BTW...do you teach school?
My parents did own the Hitchin' Post western store...you have a great memory!
I actually do the PR and Marketing for the college, but also teach a freshman orientation class as an adjunct.
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