
coming soon

just a few pictures through my Crochet Candy process:

I suppose you can guess these are some for our upcoming US Holiday! 

In fact, I have done put a little extra into these just for someone wanting to show their patriotic spirit!
I'm only making a limited number of these, so let me know if you are interested. 
Full reveal Monday night.  Right now, my poor Angus needs a haircut.

ALSO, come back tomorrow if you are interested in a giveaway from this groovy spot. 
CSN Stores yippy skippy!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I am IN LOVE with those...that is one craft I wished I had learned from Mama! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Krystal said...

Mind me asking if there's a book you made this from or are they all on your own and can you teach us how to do them? They're awesome ;)