
creating and remembering

In the spirit of Memorial Day i have done a lot of reflecting this weekend. Along with the abundance of time I have spent at my little crafting table, and the barbeque slash graduation slash memorial day get together at slick rock, and the cookout at C&A's, I have enjoyed being able to reflect on my loved ones who have gone on. I am so thankful for each of them!
We had a tragedy in our community this weekend and that family who lost a child who is a year younger than Alex has been heavy on my heart and mind. I have prayed for comfort for them and feel really sad for them for losing a precious child.
On a brighter note, i have spent a lot of time creating and have thoroughly enjoyed it!!! These "whatnotclutches" as I have named them have been so much fun to make. I had brainstormed and sketched some ideas for bags and purses i have been wanting to make, but decided to use these leftover pieces of felt from a poster project of Alex's to craft these clutches. Not sure what I'm going to do with them. probably give them away - aren't they adorable though??? I've had more fun putting these quickies together.

I also finished Tiffany's grad gift and Leif's grad gift. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of Leif's before giving it. Here is the beginning stages of Tiffany's album. I originally thought this would be very "cowboyish" and western, and it does hint to that, I like how it is girly too. I hope she likes it.

Another fun project that had hit me one night quite some time ago, I decided to complete yesterday evening and am so excited in how it turned out. The idea was to make a little chipboard book for a bride to jot down her "bridal" memories. I wanted it to be very feminine and lacy. I'm thinking this one will go on eBay, but I'm not sure yet.

Here is a taste of this one.

Off to finish laundry and savor my last few hours of the long weekend. {maybe i'll even choose to get out of my p.j.s! ;) }

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